Use your downtime to upgrade your home

Use your downtime to upgrade your home

Add value to your property during lockdown with a DIY home renovation.

Kellie George
Kellie George 04 May 2020 ・ 2 min read

As lockdown restrictions continue across the country, many Australians are dusting off their DIY skills to complete some home improvements – and for good reason.

Not only is it a practical way to use the extra time, but small home upgrades can add real value to your property. They may even help lift the sale price if you decide to sell.

So, if you’ve already burnt through your TV streaming watchlist and are looking for a project to pass the time, a DIY renovation could be a valuable exercise.

Plan, plan, plan

Before diving in, create a clear plan outlining what you want to achieve, and how you will make it happen.

Do your research and try not to bite off more than you can chew. You may also need to contact your local council to see if there are any restrictions or building permit requirements.

Look for contactless delivery

While some hardware stores remain open, many suppliers also offer contactless delivery.

This allows you to carry on with your projects without having to leave your home. And, if you require larger materials, you won’t need to worry about transportation. Win-win!

Find the right finance

The cost of tools and materials can add up, so it’s important to carefully consider how to finance your project.

Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to use the equity in your home, top-up your mortgage, or take out a personal loan.

A Liberty Adviser can review your finances and help you find the right loan for your circumstances by phone, email or video call. Contact a Liberty Adviser to find out more.

Kellie George
Kellie George Author
Kellie George is a financial writer with more than eight years’ experience. As a former small business owner, she understands the challenges that self-employed borrowers face when securing finance. Kellie is currently renovating her own home and has a passion for interiors, design and all things DIY.